Monday, April 20, 2009

According to Emme, today is the best day ever!
Today she learned to how to ride her bike without the traing wheels that have been off for awhile now. Yes, she maybe should have already been doing this, but Emme is one that has to learn on her own timetable. We tried months ago to teach her but were told that we were way too harsh! She had been practicing by herself by the curb but tonight she got more serious about it and within 2 minutes (literally) she was riding up and down the street by herself.

She even mastered the cul-de-sac.

At this point in the evening she had not been able to maneuver around things easily. This is her realizing that her brother was in the line of target. Somehow she was able to miss him and not crash, she was very excited about this! (as were we!)

She was so proud of herself. It was so cute to hear her riding up and down the street giggling to herself about how much fun she was having.

1 comment:

Alicia said...