Friday, November 21, 2008

Thanksgiving Lunch
Today was the girls' Thanksgiving Lunch at school. This year was different since Emme is now in the 1st grade. However, Emme eats at 11:00 and Maddi doesn't eat until 12:15 so the whole lunch ordeal took 2 hours since I took them their favorite lunches. I couldn't make them eat the turkey there. GROSS!! (especially since they are used to Papa's turkey!)

Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

McCain or N0-Bama
The girls have been so interested in the presidental election this year. The older kids at school got to vote and Maddi was very excited about who she was going to vote for. Then Emme was able to vote in her class today. Last night at the dinner table she was asking us who were voting for, we told her McCain, she informed us that was good because her friend had told her that Obama was going to raise taxes and that they were already high enough! That is why "all" the kids at school were calling Obama-- No-bama. Isn't it funny how kids perceive things! I hope everyone was able to vote and didn't have to wait too long! I waited for about 30 minutes, but holding Drew, that seems like about 3 hours!