Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas 2008
On Christmas Eve we celebrate with my Dad's side of the family and this year it was at my parents house. Drew gets very shy around crowds, however, he decided to come to life and make some noise while my Grandfather was reading the bible. I don't think his Uncle Seth was really helping though!
The girls put on a little show for us at Christmas Eve. They signed to the song "Light of the World" They have been going to a sign language class at church for a while and work on different songs. They take this very serious (as you can see). They did a great job!
Santa Alexis and Maddi
Then we had Christmas at our house. Emme is still at the age were she is SO excited about everything she gets.

Maddi was excited about her presents but she was just really hoping to get her Nintendo DS Drew was actually not interested at all in opening his gifts. Once he opened up a ball or this tool box he was over it.
They get their "big" gift from Santa on Christmas morning and have to wait for me to come get they are waiting on the stairs.

Again, Drew wasn't into opening his gifts, he was more concerned about where these cookies went and can he get some!

~Emme and her Ipod Shuffle~

What she really wanted!

Stockings have become a big deal around here ever since the first year Andy and I were married. Our first Christmas he opted not to fill my stocking...he learned quickly that was a big mistake! See, when I was growing up my dad would do the stockings and he would fill them really good. So now, Andy does a great job with filling them. He fills them with candy and then other things we enjoy. Maddi got a Subway gift card...her fav place. Emme got a Chick-fil-A gift card...her fav place. Uncle Seth and Maddi at Granddad's and Grandma's house on Christmas Day. We always go out to their house in the morning for breakfast and stay all day.

I hope everyone had a great Christmas and has a great New Years!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Drew (hearts) Santa!?

We went to see Santa the other night and we weren't sure how Drew was going to react to Santa...well let's just say I don't think he likes Santa.

I love the look on Emme's face. I know that this may be a little mean but we thought it is so funny!

We thought he would maybe calm down if he was in Maddi's lap...well, we were wrong.

So then we just let the girls get a good picture with Santa without their brother.

Right now it is almost impossible to get a good picture with all 3 of them. So this is a great picture of just the girls.

He was just too busy exploring to stop for a photo shoot.

Gingerbread Houses!

A couple of weeks ago we went to my sisters house to make gingerbread houses. It was a bit of a rocky start...the houses kept falling down...Drew kept knocking his house down that I was doing for him. In the end, they turned out really good. Unfortunately, Emme was sick that night so she had to stay at home and miss the fun, but she did hers the next night at our house. Can I just say these things are MESSY to make but they had a lot of F-U-N!!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...
I decided to decorate last weekend when Andy was gone. Bad Idea. Trying to keep Drew out of everything and include the girls in the decorating proved to be quite the challenge!
As you can see Drew likes to be VERY close to the tree. One night he was playing with his little bat and was hitting a ball on the ground like a golf club then he wanted to start playing baseball and was swinging his bat. About that time a light bulb went off and he realized that one of my ornaments on my tree resembled a ball (to him) and starting swinging at it. Then he also likes ramming a baby stroller into the tree. It is truly impressive that it is still up.
Then we had family movie night to kick the season off. We watched Polar Express.

Drew stole Maddi's spot so he could relax and watch the movie.

However, during the movie, the Christmas tree lights starting going on and off and we didn't know why. Then we looked a little closer and Drew had wedge himself behind the tree and was pushing the buttons.
...Then Thursday night Emme and Drew with Nana and Papa to their church for a Christmas party. They got to make cookies and ornaments and see a nativity play. (For some reason I didn't get any pictures of them) The same night Maddi had her Christmas caroling with her school choir at Penn Square Mall. She brought Alexis with her.

So it has been a busy but fun week!