Friday, October 31, 2008

Maddi works very hard at school and it paid off. She is on the superintendent honor roll (which means all A's).
This year she is in the 4th grade and it is a big deal, let me tell you. She gets to change classes and they really focus on teaching them to be responsible. It also just gets a little harder. Really-there has been some times that I have to google something to answer a question that she has.
At the end of the nine weeks they honor everyone that has achieved this by giving them a dog tag. As you can see in this picture that she has quite a few. She received them for all nine weeks last year!
I love that she loves doing good in school. She is always trying her best! That is one of the many great qualities that she has!
We love you Maddi!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
This is inside the spa. It is so relaxing in there.
They have these huge fireplaces in the lobby of the hotel. (I don't know if you can really tell how big these really are but you can stand in them) They have rocking chairs in front of them that make you want to sit there forever, if you are lucky enough to get one. Lucky for me we went some friends and she doesn't mind asking people if they are about to leave or if they could move down some, so that Andy and I could enjoy sitting in front of the first fire of the season.
We had such a great long weekend. I have to admit though- it wasn't my idea to go. Andy planned it and actually had to convince me to go. A couple of weeks before I started getting very excited though. Drew had really started being a mess and into everything so I was needing a little break. One day when I was with my mom and Alicia, I mentioned how excited I was about going and Alicia asked my mom if I was coming back!
I am very lucky to have a husband that knows it is important for us to do things like this and works so hard to do it.
I also have to thank my parents for watching the kids for us. They planned fun things for them to do while we were gone. So they had a great fall break!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Friday, October 10, 2008
Last weekend we met up with my family again. This time it was for the Czech festival in Yukon. It was such a beautiful day and the kids enjoyed being with their nana and papa.
Drew is enjoying the ring pop that his papa got him. He started not feeling good that day (because of his teeth) and was unusually quiet. Everyone kept asking if I thought he was ok, I just kept saying let's just enjoy the fact that he really isn't wanting to move from his stroller. It made it a much more enjoyable day not chasing after him everywhere!

Silly girls!
Emme's face cracks me up on this one!

Monday, October 6, 2008