Wednesday, August 13, 2008


We just got back from our family vacation in Virginia. We went to Virginia Beach and Williamsburg. We had so much fun. It was a little more difficult this year with Drew...but overall, he was pretty good! (It helps he is sooo cute!)
A couple of days we spent at Busch Gardens. Andy and I were definitely feeling old there because our girls wanted to go on about any roller coaster and we were both like "I can't do that one you have to go."

This was one I definitely couldn't do!

I did end up riding the Big Bad Wolf and really couldn't believe that they did and wanted to ride it again!

Poor Drew...he usually just gave in at the end of the day.

As we always do on vacation, we go to waterparks.That is just what we do and my girls are sooo happy there!

Then we were off to Virginia beach for a couple of days

They were so cute playing together in the sand.

One of the days at the beach they went parasailing. Very brave of them however I could tell Maddi was a little nervous. She was so funny. They had these benches there with plaques on them that said "In Loving Memory of...", she said that those were not helping anything. She didn't want to become a bench! She loved it though.

And again...after a long day at the beach

Andy, Maddi and Emme spent a day at Colonial Williamsburg while Drew and I enjoyed a day of shopping. Then the next day, Andy took all 3 of them to the Presidents Park so I could go shop by myself!

It was such a great vacation but it is very nice to be back home and get into the routine again. We are now getting ready for school next week. I can't believe Maddi will be in 4th grade and Emme will go all day to 1st grade!

1 comment:

leahduke said...

I cannot believe Drew fell asleep like that. That is so funny! Looks like you all had a blast.